Friday, July 6, 2007

Hikeu Partners with Eddie's Energy Bars

Hikeu Adventure Guides is very pleased to announce our new partnership with Eddie's Energy Bars.

Here at Hikeu we are always looking for delicious, healthy, wholesome and LOCAL food to feed our hungry hikers. Special thanks goes out to Ann Zuccardy from The Vermont Shortbread Company for introducing me to Michael Adam's, the owner of Eddie's!

Hikeu will be using Eddie's Energy Bars for breakfast, snacks and dessert on all of our overnight backpacking trips. We will also have these yummy, homemade Eddie's Bars on-hand for day hikes as well.

Michael was recently commissioned by Backpacker Magazine to create an Eddie's Energy Bar using ingredients grown within 100-miles of Vermont's Long Trail. A daunting task, but easily accomplished by energy-bar-baker Michael Adams. Eddie's Green Mountain Bar features flour, cranberries, maple syrup and walnuts all grown right here in Vermont! I shared a Green Mountain Bar with Badmoon last night and it was great! Look for this interesting story about Eddie's Energy Bars in the October issue of Backpacker Magazine.

After hearing this story, I wanted in on the "make a bar for me" action. So Michael is off creating The Eddie's Hikeu Bar. The idea is to pack our special energy bar with loads of calories, making it perfect for ravenous hikers. Don't worry, Hikeu won't have exclusive rights to the bar. Look for it soon at

1 comment:

Michael said...

Hey Brenda,

Thanks so much for the post! I love the creativity of this project, and look forward to seeing what comes of it. Will blog about you guys on my blog later--need to go bake!