Saturday, June 30, 2007

How Hikeu partners with the Green Mountain Club

Here at Hikeu we know that we wouldn't be guiding day hikes and backpacking trips on the Long Trail without the existence of the Green Mountain Club. The GMC protects and maintains the Long Trail System. The GMC fosters the stewardship of Vermont's hiking trails and mountains. Without the Green Mountain Club, the Long Trail would not exist.

Hikeu Adventure Guides supports the Green Mountain Club in several ways.
1) Hikeu donates 1% of all sales to the GMC
2) Hikeu promotes GMC Membership by providing a 10% discount on all of our services to GMC members
3) Hikeu joined the GMC as a Corporate Partner
4) Hikeu guides continuously look for ways to improve the trails they walk. We clear away new debris. We block short-cuts when we see them. We encourage this behavior in all of our customers.
5) Hikeu guides volunteer with the Green Mountain Club whenever we can.

If you're not already a GMC Member, join today! For as little as $35 for an individual or $45 for an entire family, you can do your part to protect one of America's true jewels and the oldest long-distance hiking trail in the US, Vermont's own Long Trail.

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